Jaya Jagadeeshwara Paahi Maam Dehi Jaya Jagadeeshwara Paahi Maam Dehi Maam Anga Vibhuti Harey Shiva Shankara Amaradeeshwara Hara Hara Shankara Translation Protect me Oh Lord of the Universe, Shankara, who has smeared Vibhuti (Sacred ash) on His Body and who is the Lord of the immortals. Deity Shiva Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Mohanam / Bhoop Notes: S R2 G2 P D2 S S D2 P G2 R2 S In the Key of C: C D E G A C C A G E D C Level Advanced Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 2 Pancham / D | Ref Ladies Pitch: 6 Pancham / A Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File
Jaya Jagadeeshwara Paahi Maam Dehi Jaya Jagadeeshwara Paahi Maam Dehi Maam Anga Vibhuti Harey Shiva Shankara Amaradeeshwara Hara Hara Shankara Translation Protect me Oh Lord of the Universe, Shankara, who has smeared Vibhuti (Sacred ash) on His Body and who is the Lord of the immortals. Deity Shiva Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Mohanam / Bhoop Notes: S R2 G2 P D2 S S D2 P G2 R2 S In the Key of C: C D E G A C C A G E D C Level Advanced Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 2 Pancham / D | Ref Ladies Pitch: 6 Pancham / A Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File