Kausalya Sutha Ram Rama Ram Kausalya Sutha Ram Rama Ram Dasharatha Nandana Danava Bhanjana Dasha Mukha Mardhana Ram [ Kausalya … ] Karuna Samudra Ram Rama Ram Krupa Sagara Ram Rama Ram [ Dasharatha Nandana … ] Translation We adore You, Lord Rama, the son of Kausalya and Dasharatha. You are the annihilator of demons and the ten-headed demon Ravana. You are the ocean of compassion and kindness. Deity Rama Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Valaji / Kalavati Notes: S G2 P D2 N1 S S N1 D2 P G2 S In the Key of C: Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Pancham / C | Ref Ladies Pitch: 5 Pancham / G Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File
Kausalya Sutha Ram Rama Ram Kausalya Sutha Ram Rama Ram Dasharatha Nandana Danava Bhanjana Dasha Mukha Mardhana Ram [ Kausalya … ] Karuna Samudra Ram Rama Ram Krupa Sagara Ram Rama Ram [ Dasharatha Nandana … ] Translation We adore You, Lord Rama, the son of Kausalya and Dasharatha. You are the annihilator of demons and the ten-headed demon Ravana. You are the ocean of compassion and kindness. Deity Rama Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Valaji / Kalavati Notes: S G2 P D2 N1 S S N1 D2 P G2 S In the Key of C: Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Pancham / C | Ref Ladies Pitch: 5 Pancham / G Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File