Krishna Bhajo Krishna Bhajo Murali Krishna Bhajo Krishna Bhajo Murali Gopal Radhey Govinda Bhajo Radhey Gopal Nandatmaja Nanda Navaneetha Chora Ghana Shyama Radha Karuna Kataksha [ Radhey Govinda … ] Translation Chant the name of Lord Krishna who plays the enchanting flute, who fosters cows and people. He is Govinda with dark blue-complexion and the compassionate beloved of Radha. He is the son of Nanda and the stealer of butter. Deity Krishna Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Folk Tune Level Intermediate Tempo Medium Slow Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 3 Pancham / E | Ref Ladies Pitch: 7 Pancham / B Beat 6 Beat / Dadra Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File
Krishna Bhajo Krishna Bhajo Murali Krishna Bhajo Krishna Bhajo Murali Gopal Radhey Govinda Bhajo Radhey Gopal Nandatmaja Nanda Navaneetha Chora Ghana Shyama Radha Karuna Kataksha [ Radhey Govinda … ] Translation Chant the name of Lord Krishna who plays the enchanting flute, who fosters cows and people. He is Govinda with dark blue-complexion and the compassionate beloved of Radha. He is the son of Nanda and the stealer of butter. Deity Krishna Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Folk Tune Level Intermediate Tempo Medium Slow Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 3 Pancham / E | Ref Ladies Pitch: 7 Pancham / B Beat 6 Beat / Dadra Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File