Anjaneya Hanumantha Veera Anjaneya Hanumantha Veera Anjana Sutha Vayu Kumara Sita Mata Shoka Vinasha Sri Rama Dootha Namo Namasthey Sri Rama Dootha Namo Namasthey (4) Translation O valorous Hanumantha, You are the son of Anjana and Vayu. Salutations to Thee, who is the ambassador of Sri Rama and the remover of Mother Sita’s distress. Deity Anjaneya Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Mohanam / Bhoop Notes: S R2 G2 P D2 S S D2 P G2 R2 S In the Key of C: C D E G A C C A G E D C Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Pancham / C | Ref Ladies Pitch: 5 Pancham / G Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File
Anjaneya Hanumantha Veera Anjaneya Hanumantha Veera Anjana Sutha Vayu Kumara Sita Mata Shoka Vinasha Sri Rama Dootha Namo Namasthey Sri Rama Dootha Namo Namasthey (4) Translation O valorous Hanumantha, You are the son of Anjana and Vayu. Salutations to Thee, who is the ambassador of Sri Rama and the remover of Mother Sita’s distress. Deity Anjaneya Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Mohanam / Bhoop Notes: S R2 G2 P D2 S S D2 P G2 R2 S In the Key of C: C D E G A C C A G E D C Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Pancham / C | Ref Ladies Pitch: 5 Pancham / G Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File