Va Muruga Vadivel Azhaga
Shakthi Vadivela Sai Muruga
Sharavana Bhava Guha Sai Muruga
Om Muruga Jaya Muruga
Om Muruga Om Muruga
Va Muruga Vadivel Azhaga
Shakthi Vadivela Sai Muruga
Sharavana Bhava Guha Sai Muruga
We offer our prayers to Karthikeya, son of Shiva and Parvathi who is also knows as Subrahmanya and Muruga. He is powerful as he is the Commander in chief of the army of Deities. He who holds the powerful spear of liberation (vadivela), is offered prayers to grant peace and protect us from mortal worries. We surrender to the worshipful Sai Muruga, who dwells in the cave (Guha) of our heart.