Raghothama Rama Ram Raghothama Rama Ram Ramakantha Rama Ram Chidananda Rama Ram Sarojaksha Rama Ram Sai Rama Rama Ram (4) Translation Sing the praises of Rama who belongs to the Highest order of the Raghu lineage. One who charms Sita (Mother Lakshmi), One who bestows supreme bliss, the Lotus eyed Ram. He is none other than Sai Rama. Deity Rama Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Abhogi Notes: S R2 G1 M1 D2 S S D2 M1 G1 R2 S In the Key of C: Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Madhyam / F | Ref Ladies Pitch: 5 Madhyam / C Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File
Raghothama Rama Ram Raghothama Rama Ram Ramakantha Rama Ram Chidananda Rama Ram Sarojaksha Rama Ram Sai Rama Rama Ram (4) Translation Sing the praises of Rama who belongs to the Highest order of the Raghu lineage. One who charms Sita (Mother Lakshmi), One who bestows supreme bliss, the Lotus eyed Ram. He is none other than Sai Rama. Deity Rama Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Abhogi Notes: S R2 G1 M1 D2 S S D2 M1 G1 R2 S In the Key of C: Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Madhyam / F | Ref Ladies Pitch: 5 Madhyam / C Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File