Rama Bolo Rahim Bolo Rama Bolo Rahim Bolo Krishna Bolo Karim Bolo [ Rama Bolo … ] Gautam Yeshu Nanak Bolo Buddha Zohrashtra Mahavir Bolo Sathya Dharma Aur Shanthi Prem Se Sab Dharmon Ki Jai Jai Bolo Translation Chant the names of Ram, Gautam (Buddha), Jesus, Nanak, Zoroaster, Mahavir, all of whom represent Truth, Right Action, Peace, and Love, the tenets of all religions. Deity Sarva Dharma Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Level Tempo Pitch Beat Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File
Rama Bolo Rahim Bolo Rama Bolo Rahim Bolo Krishna Bolo Karim Bolo [ Rama Bolo … ] Gautam Yeshu Nanak Bolo Buddha Zohrashtra Mahavir Bolo Sathya Dharma Aur Shanthi Prem Se Sab Dharmon Ki Jai Jai Bolo Translation Chant the names of Ram, Gautam (Buddha), Jesus, Nanak, Zoroaster, Mahavir, all of whom represent Truth, Right Action, Peace, and Love, the tenets of all religions. Deity Sarva Dharma Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Level Tempo Pitch Beat Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File