Sai Ram Jai Sai Ram Parthi Pureeshwara Ram [ Sai Ram … ]
Allah Naam Hai Tera O Sai Baba
Sab Ka Malik Tum Ho O Sai Baba
Yesu Nanak Buddha Mahavir Sab Hai Sai Ram
Sab Hai Sai Ram
While ascending, the notes S and P are usually skipped and rendered as N R G M D N S.
S R2 G2 M2 P D2 N2 S
S N2 D2 P M2 G2 M1 G2 R2 S
In the Key of C:
| Ref Ladies Pitch: 6 Pancham / A
Notes Range
Lowest Note: n2 / B (lower octave)
Highest Note: R2 / D (higher octave)
* Western notes are in the Key of C