Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Sai Shiva Parthi Pureesha Hey Paramesha Patitha Janavana Pavana Charitha Parvathi Ramana Parama Dayala Parvatha Raja Kumari Ramana Translation Salutations to you Lord Samba Sadashiva, who is also the Lord of Parthi, the protector of the weak and downtrodden, the consort of Goddess Parvathi and the most merciful one. Deity Shiva Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Revagupti Notes: S R1 G2 P D1 S S D1 P G2 R1 S In the Key of C: Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 2 Pancham / D | Ref Ladies Pitch: 6 Pancham / A Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File
Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Samba Sadashiva Sai Shiva Parthi Pureesha Hey Paramesha Patitha Janavana Pavana Charitha Parvathi Ramana Parama Dayala Parvatha Raja Kumari Ramana Translation Salutations to you Lord Samba Sadashiva, who is also the Lord of Parthi, the protector of the weak and downtrodden, the consort of Goddess Parvathi and the most merciful one. Deity Shiva Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Revagupti Notes: S R1 G2 P D1 S S D1 P G2 R1 S In the Key of C: Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 2 Pancham / D | Ref Ladies Pitch: 6 Pancham / A Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File