Sathya Narayani Shantha Swaroopini Sathya Narayani Shantha Swaroopini Mangala Vadani Malini Maya Vilasini Maha Kamini Mahishasura Mardhini Harini Translation Glory to you Oh mother Sathya Narayani who is the embodiment of eternal bliss and peace whose countenance is so enchanting and soft like a creeper and emanates radiance and auspiciousness. Deity Devi Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Bilahari Notes: S R2 G2 P D2 S S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S In the Key of C: C D E G A C C B A G F E D C Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Pancham / C | Ref Ladies Pitch: 5 Pancham / G Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File
Sathya Narayani Shantha Swaroopini Sathya Narayani Shantha Swaroopini Mangala Vadani Malini Maya Vilasini Maha Kamini Mahishasura Mardhini Harini Translation Glory to you Oh mother Sathya Narayani who is the embodiment of eternal bliss and peace whose countenance is so enchanting and soft like a creeper and emanates radiance and auspiciousness. Deity Devi Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Bilahari Notes: S R2 G2 P D2 S S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S In the Key of C: C D E G A C C B A G F E D C Level Tempo Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Pancham / C | Ref Ladies Pitch: 5 Pancham / G Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File