Shambho Shankara Parvathi Ramana Pashupathi Shambho Shankara Parvathi Ramana Pashupathi Paramesha Chandra Chooda Dhara Chandra Kaladhara Gangadhara Shambho Translation Obeisance to Lord Shiva who is also known as Shambho, Shankara and Paramesha. Glory to the one who is the consort of Mother Parvathi, to the one who is as effulgent as the Moon and who holds the mighty Ganges in His matted locks. Deity Shiva Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Jaunpuri Notes: S R2 M1 P D1 N1 S S N1 D1 P M1 G1 R2 S In the Key of C: Level Intermediate Tempo Medium Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Pancham / C | Ref Ladies Pitch: Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File
Shambho Shankara Parvathi Ramana Pashupathi Shambho Shankara Parvathi Ramana Pashupathi Paramesha Chandra Chooda Dhara Chandra Kaladhara Gangadhara Shambho Translation Obeisance to Lord Shiva who is also known as Shambho, Shankara and Paramesha. Glory to the one who is the consort of Mother Parvathi, to the one who is as effulgent as the Moon and who holds the mighty Ganges in His matted locks. Deity Shiva Language Sanskrit / Hindi Raga Jaunpuri Notes: S R2 M1 P D1 N1 S S N1 D1 P M1 G1 R2 S In the Key of C: Level Intermediate Tempo Medium Pitch Ref Gents Pitch: 1 Pancham / C | Ref Ladies Pitch: Beat 8 Beat / Keherwa / Adi Karaoke Tracks Audio File Video File