Jag Ko Deejo Lal Baba
Dhanya Ho Dhanya Ho
Kali Yug Mey Avatar Liye
Sakala Charachara Ke Bhagawan
Jagadodhara Sai Narayana
Dhanya Ho Dhanya Ho
Dhanya Ho Eshwaramba (2)
The notes R2 and D2 are also used occasionally.
S R1 G1 M1 P D1 N1 S
S N1 D1 P M1 G1 R1 S
In the Key of C:
| Ref Ladies Pitch: 5 Pancham / G
Notes Range
Lowest Note: S / C
Highest Note: M1 / F (higher octave)
* Western notes are in the Key of C
Karaoke Tracks for Practice
Reference Track
5 Pancham / G
Ladies Pitch Karaoke Tracks
5 Pancham / G