Sri Sathya Sai Speaks

Divine Discourses spanning 7 Decades (1950 – 2011)

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 19 (1986) (Download)

09 March 1986 | Prasanthi Nilayam | Valedictory discourse to EHV Seminar

Human values are for everyone

Download – Human values are for everyone

Heroism in speech has grown Heroism in action has declined to vanishing point. Ostentatious living is the order of the day; This is the plight of the student today. MAN’S life is marked by the procession of days and nights. The rising of the sun in the east and its setting in the west are everyday experiences. But when it is noted that the earth is a globe revolving round itself and going round the sun, these phenomena have a different reality. Directions like east and west and north and south and the apparent motion of the sun are seen to be mistaken. Similarly, when we are seated in a moving train, we are moving along with the train, though we may be stationary. Though the earth is revolving at a speed of several hundred miles an hour, we are not aware of its motion at all. It is simultaneously moving in orbit round the sun at 66,000 miles an hour, carrying with it all things on earth. The earth seems firm and unmoving, while the sun and planets and stars appear to be going round the earth. Though the scientific reality is one thing, we are guided by the daily experience in which the reality is different. Even the scientist who knows about the earth’s movements, uses the language of daily experience with reference to directions like east and west and the rising and setting of the sun. The entire creation is a conglomeration of subatomic particles. These particles are waves of energy. All of them emanate from the same source of energy. Even the scientist who knows all about electrons does not seek to find the primary source of all energy-the Paratathva (the Supreme Principle).

“The One willed to become the Many”

The power of Sakthi (energy) is incalculable. A small stone cast on a tumbler of water causes a ripple on the surface. A storm in the sea has the power to sink a ship. Both are manifestations of the power of atomic particles under varying conditions. Different combinations of atoms result in objects of different kinds like copper, gold or oxygen, which have varying utility and value. But the primary energy which manifests itself in different kinds of atoms and objects is one and the same. The Vedas indicated this truth when they declared: “Ekoham Bahusyam” (“The One willed to become the Many”), “Ekam Sath Viprah bahudha Vadanthi” (“The Reality is one, the wise call it by many names”). If the Universe is itself the manifestation of the one primary energy, everything in it is also an expression of that energy. For instance, a wall which you see as a solid block can be seen as a vast congregation of minute particles when it is viewed through a microscope. Empty space between different particles can also be noticed.

The Vedic statement on the basic truth

Thus, there is a difference between the appearance of objects as we observe them in daily life and their inner reality. But the external appearance is based on the inner reality. It is the basic truth of the internal which enables us to experience the external. The .basis/ is the power of the primal energy which is in matter. This basic truth was proclaimed in the Vedic statement: “Anoraneeyan Mahatho maheeyan” (“It is subtler than the subtlest and vaster than the vastest”). This means that what is subtle can become the immense. All experiences in daily life are variation in form of the basic Reality and not different from it. Experience of this Basic Reality will reveal how the changes in the primary energy bring about the emergence and the disappearance of material substances. That experience is one only with no difference. This may be illustrated from mathematics. All numbers up to infinity are simply multiplication of the primary number one. One plus one becomes two, two plus one becomes three, and so on. Without one, all other numbers will have no basis. It should be clear from all this that there is one primordial power which is the basis of all that is. Until this truth is known, we may imagine we are knowalls. In this conceit, one man declared: “Mameva Pandithah” (“I alone am one who knows everything”). After some investigation, he found that there was a power greater than himself. He then declared: “Mamam cha pandithah” (“I am also a Pandit”). After further enquiry, he realised that there was a greater power than himself in the world and declared: “Pandithah samadarsinah” (“The pandit is one who views equally everything.”) Proceeding further, he came to the conclusion, “Mamam na pandithah” (“I know nothing”).

Marks of a truly educated person

To realise the divinity in him, man should embark on this process of enquiry. One who claims to know everything should be treated as utterly ignorant. Before Buddha attained Nirvana, his disciples gathered round him and asked him what stage they have reached in their spiritual journey. Buddha took out a handful of leaves from the branch of the tree under which he was sitting and said: “Children, can you reckon the leaves in all the trees in all the forests all over the earth What you have learnt is equal only to the handful of leaves in my palm, compared to what is to be known (that is, all the leaves in all the forests). We are today concerned with education in Human Values. In my view the cultivation of Human Values alone is education. Whoever tries to understand the human values of Truth, Righteous conduct, Peace, Love and Non-violence properly, who practises these values and propagates them with zeal and sincerity can alone be described as a truly educated person. There are, of course, the obligations and compulsions relating to one’s daily life and the duties which have to be discharged to the family and others. For these purposes and for earning a living, one may have to take up some occupation or other. Knowledge of the natural sciences may be required for this purpose. But together with this it is essential to acquire knowledge relating to human values.

Everyone’s body is a workshop

All are entitled to acquire knowledge of human values. Principal Narender mentioned that these values should be practised by persons in the home, the factory, and in office. But this is not enough. Everyone should practice Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, Prema and Ahimsa. Everyone’s body is a workshop. This body is a machine. The limbs and organs are integral parts of the machine. Every organ s in the pains and joys of every other part. The body demonstrates the organic unity of every limb and organ. If we fully understand the workings of this human workshop, we will have no need to study any other workshop. When the mind desires to acquire an object, say, a fruit in a tree, all other organs, the feet, the hands, etc. cooperate in getting it. After the fruit is eaten, the stomach helps to digest it and supply blood to the heart for distribution to the entire body. In the process, every limb or organ has done its duty in harmony with the others. This kind of cooperation and harmony should be achieved in our daily life also. The functioning of the various organs of the body is an object lesson in cooperation and mutual help. This kind of mutual cooperation and unity could be experienced in our daily actions. For instance, when you are walking, your eyes may notice a thorn on the road. By a mysterious process of communication from the eyes to the feet, your legs automatically avoid the thorn. If the foot was to step on the thorn, the leg would be hurt and may start bleeding. Immediately, by the same mysterious process, the eyes experience the pain caused by the thorn and tears flow from them. This shows the remarkable link of love between the eyes and the feet. It is this kind of spontaneous love which is the mark of human-ness. It is when you experience another’s suffering as your own that your human value is manifested.

Lessons to be learnt from the body

Our senses and limbs demonstrate these human qualities and serve as excellent teachers for us. There are numerous lessons to be learnt from the body. It is engaged in a variety of actions as the instrument for all activity. Knowledge and skill are required for doing anything. The body has to be kept in a fit condition for this purpose. All parts of the body, from head to foot, are equally important and have to be cared for with love and regard. Love should become the ruling principle of our life. Only then can we sanctify it. You may think the programme of education in human values was launched only five years ago. But in fact I initiated it nearly fifty years ago. When I was staying in Karnam Subbamma’s house (in Puttaparthi) I used to sing a song: With Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema Carry on your life’s journey, oh man; Karma Yoga is your bounden duty; Remembering the Lord is the great secret And Sadhana is the devotee’s hallmark, Proceed, oh man, on your life’s pilgrimage With Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema.

Raise the crop of Brahmananda in your hearts

Regard the heart as a vast field. Use the mind as a plough. Treat the gunas (qualities) as bullocks. Use the Viveka (intelligence) as a whip. With these aids, cultivate the field of your heart. What is the crop that is to be grown in it Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema are the seeds, Bhakti is the rain, Dhyana is the manure, Brahmananda is the crop. This is your task today. Cultivate the heart to raise a harvest of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. This crop has to be raised in your heart and should be d with others. Our life is like a block of ice which is melting away every moment. Before it spends itself, devote it to the service of others. Education in Human Values is designed to prepare everyone for this life of dedicated service. There may be doubts regarding this programme. No room should be given for futile controversies. The Human Values should be regarded as basic requirements for every human being. In spreading the message of these values to the world, you should all cooperate with each other and act in harmony. Whatever may be the experience in everyday life, the basic inner Truth should not be forgotten. “The Reality is one, though it may be called by different names”. You have now the Sathya Sai Seva Samithi, the Sathya Sai Bhajana mandali, the Sai Seva Dal, the Sathya Sai Study Circle, the Sathya Sai Mahila Vibhag and the Sathya Sai Education Foundation. All this may be district Organisations, but the basic for all of them is Sathya Sai. This should always be borne in mind.

Human values are absent in today’s world

Today, everyone is being attracted to the programme of Education in Human Values. The reason is the realisation that the world is in a sorry mess because of the absence of these values. Principal Narendra referred to the monstrous lethal weapons in the armouries of nations and the danger of nuclear war and “Star war”, and said that in this critical situation the promotion of human values was supremely important. But, in truth, it is not these bombs and missiles that are the menace hovering over us. It is our bad qualities that are the more serious problem. The reason is: If the bombs are used, they will make an end of mankind and nothing will remain. But the bad qualities in man are devastating the lives of people all the time. This calamity is worse than the other. If we want to eliminate bad qualities like hatred, envy, pride and ostentation, we have to employ Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, Prema and Ahimsa as the cleansing instruments. Together with worldly education, you have to cultivate the human values and undertake spiritual discipline. Oil imparts life to a lamp to keep it burning. Love animates the entire life. Love is like oil. But can you make a lamp burn by having a container, a wick and oil You need some one to light the wick. Similarly, there must .be some one to make a garland, even if you have flowers, thread and a needle. You cannot make a jewel out of gold and gems without a goldsmith. Likewise to teach the human values, which are like precious gems, you need competent and dedicated teachers who practise these values. For spreading EHV to all children, it is necessary to have contacts with educational authorities in Governments so that they may depute their teachers for training. But one thing must be clearly borne in mind. Whatever relations you may have with the authorities, your primary association with Sathya Sai should remain unaffected. It is to ensure that the contacts with the authorities are maintained on a proper recognised basis that the EHV Trust-has been set up as a registered body.

Practice economy

Einstein was the greatest among the scientists of our day. He discovered the profound truth about the relationship between matter and energy. He showed that everything in the universe was made up of energy. Einstein did not have expensive equipment, like those you have in modern laboratories, to make his researches. All that he had was a pencil, paper and a waste paper basket. He lived up to the motto: Simple living and high study. Today what we see is ostentation and luxurious comfort in educational institutions; students want cushioned chairs; the staff want air conditioned rooms. Scientists want highly expensive equipment for their research. We should observe strict economy in Sai educational institutions. It is very difficult to raise money. Hence care should be taken to avoid unnecessary and superfluous expenditure on equipment or other things which may serve only to lighten the labours of the teaching faculty. Excessive use of computers and calculators is fraught with dangers. They make the students abjectly dependent on the machine, without relying on their abilities. It must be realised that the human brain is the foremost computer. We must train our children to make proper and good use of their brains. It is not enough to acquire expensive, sophisticated equipment for education. We must know how to make full and effective use of them. Only them will the money spent on them be rewarding and justified.

In cultivating human values, emphasis should also be d on avoiding wastage of money, food and time. Even teachers have to be trained in this respect.

Truth is primary among human values

In matters concerning expenditure, my attitude is strict. For anything that is legitimate and essential I am prepared to offer even lakhs of rupees. But I will grudge giving even a paise for something unnecessary and useless. This is because money breeds all the evils in the world. Everywhere extravagant and wasteful use of money is taking . I do not want such a thing to happen in Sathya Sai institutions, which should serve as a model to others. I wish to ensure that in every type of activity those connected with Sai institutions should behave in an exemplary manner. I am always happy. But what hurts me is when any one utters a lie. If some mistake has been committed, admit it. To cover it by one lie, many other lies have to be invented.

In my view, among the human values, Truth is primary. There is no greater Dharma than Truth. Once you indulge in untruth, everything, you do gets tainted by the falsehood. Hence Truth is the life-breath of man. When truth goes, life goes. The duty of teachers Holding fast to Truth, you must make Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-Violence, the guideposts for your life. As teachers you should try to impart the finest education to the children at minimum cost and make them lead pure and noble lives. You should also not be bound by considerations of hours of work. When necessary, you should be prepared to stay on for hours to remove the doubts of students and help them to complete their assignments. This is your duty. You should not limit yourself to imparting the five human values alone. You must also create the environment which will be conducive to the practice of the basic values. When you have dedication and devotion, you will be able to face all the challenges in the discharge of your duties. If teachers play their role properly, the nation can be transformed. For all the malpractices among students the parents and teachers are to blame. The parents are allowing the children to go astray at home through misd affection. In olden days, the children had such great regard and love for the parents that they were loth to go away from them. Today it is the reverse. The reason is the failure of the parents to enforce discipline together with lavishing love on the children. Teachers should establish contacts with parents so that the latter also practise the human values and reform their children. The authorities of the EHV Trust should arrange for meetings between teachers and parents for this purpose. All the three elements – the EHV Trust, the teachers and parents should work in cooperation in the interests of the children and see that human values are promoted not only among students but in the entire community. The real criterion of moral conduct is harmony between one’s profession and one’s practice. Morality consists in acting up to the rules of right conduct prescribed by society at a particular time and for an individual or group. If there is no connection between what one professes in words and his actions, morality cannot exist. – Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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