2987. With Your flute You enchant
With Your flute You enchant all who hear You
Ever after they long to be near You
Dance, O dance on, O sweet little Krishna
Little Krishna, dearest Krishna
Dance, O dance on, O sweet Sai Krishna
You captured the hearts of the Gopas and Gopis
You’re here once again charming all Your devotees
Dance, O dance on, O sweet Sai Krishna
Sai Krishna, Sai Krishna
Dance, O dance on, O sweet Sai Krishna
Madhuvana Ke Muraliwala
Madhuvana Ke Muraliwala
Nacho Nacho Nacho Nandalala
Nandalala Nandalala [ Nacho Nacho … ]
Gopi Manohara Gopala Bala
Parthi Pureeshwara Hey Sai Natha [ Nacho Nacho … ]