Dharma Vahini

12 Temples

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Divine Discourses spanning 7 Decades (1950 – 2011) Dharma Vahini (Download) | | Your browser does not support the audio tag. Temples Download – Temples The ancients considered temples not only as temples of God (deva-mandirs) but also as temples of spiritual wisdom (vijnana-mandirs). They knew that God can be attained …

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Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Divine Discourses spanning 7 Decades (1950 – 2011) Dharma Vahini (Download) | | Your browser does not support the audio tag. Preface Download – Preface This little book contains the articles written by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the series Dharma Vahini for the Sanathana Sarathi, the monthly journal published …

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8 The Householder Stage

Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Divine Discourses spanning 7 Decades (1950 – 2011) Dharma Vahini (Download) | | Your browser does not support the audio tag. The Householder Stage Download – The Householder Stage The stages of life (asramas) regulating man’s life are four: student, householder, forest dweller, and renunciate (brahmacharya, grihastha, vanaprastha, and sanyasa). They …

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